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Gothicism Gold exhibited at special exhibition Cosmos Coffee in Munich, Germany, 2019

A Cathedral for Coffee

A design piece, a prestige object, a work of art:
a Gothic-style machine made entirely of gold.
It is equipped with six water tanks and produces three litres of cold-brewed coffee.
An experience – that costs 20,000 US dollars.

Gold Edition Gothicism cold brew coffee machine
Produced by and loan from: Dutch lab, South Korea

Eine Kathedrale für Kaffee

Designstück, Prestigeobjekt, Kunstwerk:
eine Maschine ganz in Gold im Stil der Gotik.
Sie ist ausgerüstet mit sechs Wassertanks
und liefert drei Liter kalt gebrühten Kaffee.
Eine Erlebnis – zum Preis von 20.000 US-Dollar.

Cold Brew Kaffeemaschine Gold Edition Gothicism
Herstellung und Leihgabe: Dutch Lab, Südkorea

About Deutsches Museum

Deutsches Museum is one of the biggest museums devoted to technology and natural sciences in Europe with more than 55,000 square meters of exhibition space in the main building on the island, 40 departments and approximately 1.3 million visitors per year.
It shows and explains the evolution of technology and science from the early beginnings to the present. The unique collection of exhibits (historical and modern) on display are supplemented by interactive experiments, dioramas, films and multi-media systems. Large library and extended archives as well as a research institute for the history of technology and sciences and the Kerschensteiner Kolleg for the advanced training of teachers, students and museum staff also belong to the Deutsches Museum.

“The everyday appeal of coffee and the stimulating exhibits make Cosmos Coffee a unique attraction for visitors of all ages and backgrounds.” –